Hace unos días os mostraba las fotos de nuestra calçotada en casa. Ese día disfrutamos a tope con el buen tiempo, con los calçots y con la salsa Romesco que preparó mi amiga Ana. Era la primera vez que Ana preparaba Romesco y la verdad es que le quedó de cine.
Pero en esto de los Romescos pasa como con las Paellas. Cada maestrillo tiene su librillo y cada uno lo hace a su manera, de modo que hay muchas versiones. Hoy os traigo la receta que preparo yo habitualmente. Ni mejor, ni peor... simplemente la mía.
Last week I showed you the photos of the "calçotada" we celebrated at home. We had a lot of fun that day and we enjoyed the weather, the "calçots" and the wonderful "romesco sauce" prepared by my friend Ana. It was her first "romesco" and I must say that the result was excellent.
But the world of "romescos" is like the one of paellas' : everyone has his own recipe, and so, there are many versions. Today I would like to bring you my recipe. Neither better nor worse... it's just mine.
Last week I showed you the photos of the "calçotada" we celebrated at home. We had a lot of fun that day and we enjoyed the weather, the "calçots" and the wonderful "romesco sauce" prepared by my friend Ana. It was her first "romesco" and I must say that the result was excellent.
But the world of "romescos" is like the one of paellas' : everyone has his own recipe, and so, there are many versions. Today I would like to bring you my recipe. Neither better nor worse... it's just mine.
50 gramos de avellanas tostadas
100 gramos de almendras tostadas
200 cl. de aceite de oliva
4 o 5 tomates maduros
1 cabeza de ajos
3 ñoras secas (también podéis comprar carne de ñora en bote que ahorra mucho trabajo)
2 galletas María
vinagre de jerez
- Quitar las pepitas de las ñoras
- Asamos en el horno los tomates, la cabeza de ajos y las ñoras.
- Una vez asados pelaremos los ajos y los tomates, y sacamos la carne de las ñoras.
- Poner en el vaso de la batidora las avellanas y las almendras con la sal y picamos con la ayuda de una batidora
- Añadir los dientes de ajo pelados, la carne de las ñora, los tomates, el perejil y las galletas y picamos bien hasta obtener una pasta homogénea.
- Ir añadiendo aceite de oliva y vinagre para conseguir la textura deseada. Va a gustos pero lo habitual es dos medidas de aceite por una de vinagre.
50gr toasted hazelnuts
100gr toasted almonds
200 cl olive oil
4-5 tomatoes
1 head of garlic
3 "ñoras" ( a kind of dry red peppers)
2 cookies Maria
Sherry vinegar
- Remove the seeds from the "ñoras"
- Roast the tomatoes, the head of garlic and the "ñoras" in the oven until they're soft
- When they are well roasted, peel the garlics and the tomatoes and remove the pulp of the "ñoras".
- Put the hazelnuts and almonds in a blender with a pinch of salt and chop them.
- Add thegarlic cloves, the pulp of the "ñora", the tomatoes, the parsley, the cookies and chop well until you obtain an homogenous mixter.
- Add olive oil and vinegar little by little until you achieve the texture you want. The usual proportion is two parts of oil for one of vinegar.
(Photos by Y tan flamenca! Don't use or copy them without permission)