A estas alturas ya debéis estar más o menos familiarizados con el grupo de estudiantes de italiano con los que comparto la pasión por este idioma una vez a la semana. No es la primera vez que os muestro algunas de las cositas que he preparado para ellos.
Ahora que el curso toca de nuevo a su fin nos despedimos con una comida que tuvo lugar en el restaurante Norai, en las inmediaciones del Museo Marítimo de Barcelona (Más info AQUí). Podía yo resistirme a preparar algun detalle de despedida de aire marinero? Noooo , claro que no.
Por eso para despedirnos con viento favorable y navegar felices la travesía de los meses de verano, preparé estos sobrecitos marineros decorados con un barquito de papel atado con cuerda amarilla y adornados con un sello marinero. En el interior... un bolígrafo, para que sigan escribiendo y redactando en esas tardes de calma chicha veraniegas... pero siempre en Italiano, eh??
I 'm sure that you are familiar with my group of Italian students, by now. A lovely group that meets once a week and shares with me their passion for Italian. This is not the first time that have told you about them or about the things that I prepare for them for special ocasions.
If you missed some of those posts, you can update yourself, HERE, HERE, HERE or HERE.
The course is ending and once again we met for a farewell lunch. This time our meal took place at Norai Restaurant, located in the Nautical Museum of Barcelona (more information HERE). Could I resist preparing any nautical-themed momentos for them? Oh no, of course, I couldn't!
That's why I did these envelopes decorated with small paper boats tied with yellow twine. Inside a pen so that they can keep on writing during the hot summer afternoons... in Italian, of course!
Por eso para despedirnos con viento favorable y navegar felices la travesía de los meses de verano, preparé estos sobrecitos marineros decorados con un barquito de papel atado con cuerda amarilla y adornados con un sello marinero. En el interior... un bolígrafo, para que sigan escribiendo y redactando en esas tardes de calma chicha veraniegas... pero siempre en Italiano, eh??
I 'm sure that you are familiar with my group of Italian students, by now. A lovely group that meets once a week and shares with me their passion for Italian. This is not the first time that have told you about them or about the things that I prepare for them for special ocasions.
If you missed some of those posts, you can update yourself, HERE, HERE, HERE or HERE.
The course is ending and once again we met for a farewell lunch. This time our meal took place at Norai Restaurant, located in the Nautical Museum of Barcelona (more information HERE). Could I resist preparing any nautical-themed momentos for them? Oh no, of course, I couldn't!
That's why I did these envelopes decorated with small paper boats tied with yellow twine. Inside a pen so that they can keep on writing during the hot summer afternoons... in Italian, of course!
(Photos by Y tan f lamenca! Don't use them without permission)